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 1. Andalusia Knoll  Senate Commerce Committee Approves the Local Community Radio Act   
 2. Aura Bogado  Senate Approves Surveillance Legislation   
 3. Al Gore  Testimony on Global Warming to a Senate Environment Committee   
 4. Al Gore  Testimony on Global Warming to a Senate Environment Committee   
 5. delivered principally by Al Pacino  The Godfather 2 - Michael Corleone Testifies Before the Senate Committee   
 6. delivered by Joan Allen  Senator Laine Hanson: Closing Address before the Senate Confirmation Committee   
 7. Joshua Harris  The Family: Taking It Home to Your Local Church Community  New Attitude 2006 
 8. President George W. Bush  President Bush Meets with Chicago 2016 Bid Committee and United States Olympic Committee Members - January 7, 2007  Presidential Speeches & Remarks 
 9. Three to six with Garth Russell  ABC Local Radio  Phillipa Anderson bags womens Surfest crown 
 10. Beyond Zero speaks to Dr David Mills Ausra  Beyond Zero Radio show - 3CR Community Radio 855AM   
 11. Inside Digital Media with Phil Leigh  What Are Local Newspapers and Radio - TV Stations To Do?  Inside Digital Media with Phil Leigh 
 12. Inside Digital Media with Phil Leigh  What Are Local Newspapers and Radio - TV Stations To Do?  Inside Digital Media with Phil Leigh 
 13. Lee Hopkins  BCR #36 - an interview with Rod Quinn from ABC Local Radio  Better Communication Results 
 14. Scott Mills / Georgina Bowman/Scott Mills  Banter - Local Radio @ 4pm in the Morning & Bull Semen Story  BBC Radio 1 
 15. Madonna King  David Malouf talks to ABC Local Radio host Madonna King on 612 Brisbane  ABC Local Radio 612 Brisbane 
 16. Fahamu  Radical community radio in Soweto  Pambazuka News 
 17. Fahamu  Radical community radio in Soweto  Pambazuka News 
 18. BOLD collective  The Gracia Community Garden radio doc   
 19. BOLD collective  The Gracia Community Garden radio doc   
 20. Beyond Zero talks to Professor David Shearman Doctors for the Environment and Dr Andrew Watkins National Climate Centre Bureau of Meteorology  Beyond Zero Radio Community Show with Eva Matt and Dave   
 21. honest tunes radio show  vince herman speaks about community radio on KXUA  vince herman on kxua community radio 
 22. Hannah Sassaman, Prometheus Radio Project  Community Radio Collage for WPEB Meeting, September 2006, Version 2   
 23. NOW - PBS  Growing Local, Eating Local . 11.2.07   
 24. Tim Elliott  Drink Local. Real Local.  Winecast 
 25. Charlottesville Tomorrow  County approves major retail development between Fifth & Avon  Charlottesville Tomorrow 
 26. Cinnamon Nippard  Germany Approves Controversial EU Data Retention Directive   
 27. BJ Austin, KERA News  Dallas Pre-Approves Bond Sale for Convention Center Hotel  Dallas Pre-Approves Bond Sale for Convention Center Hotel 
 28. Conceptual Guerilla  Limbaugh Lie: US Supreme Court Approves 'Stealing Votes' In Ohio   
 29. The Bens  Commerce, TX  2003-03-24, Melbourne 
 30. Dominique A.  Le Commerce de l'Eau  Auguri 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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